Across The Obelisk All Pet List & How To Unlock Them All (2024)

Across The Obelisk All Pet List & How To Unlock Them All (1)

In Across The Obelisk there is a total of 8 pets that you can unlock by visiting different areas and event nodes. In these nodes, you need to choose the correct option and only then you can get the pet as a reward. These pets have some skills of their own which will help you during the battle. Below you will find all the pets and how to unlock them.

Across The Obelisk How To Unlock All Pet


To unlock Betty you need to look for the blue book node quest called ” The Lost Sheep” on the first map. If it will be any other color than blue and the quest name is different you won’t unlock Betty.

Once you have entered the quest “The lost sheep” you will have two choices to make which are leave or combat. You must select the option combat. After that, another node on your top will unlock called Farm Coral which will lead you to another node on top called Betty house.

You need to reach Betty’s house to unlock her. Once you reach her house you will have four options which are:

  • (Accept) Ask for the legendary golden sheep
  • (Accept) Ask for some gold, whatever they can give you
  • (Extortion) Ask for 500 gold if he wants Betty back
  • (Murder) Kill the farmer and keep Betty for yourselves

You need to select the fourth option murder and you will unlock Betty. Betty’s abilities are:


In the first map, you need to find the node called “Suspicious Hatch”. Once you select the node, you will have three options and if Cornelius is in your party you will get four options. You need to select the option “Enter” to guarantee your way into the hatch.

Once you are inside the hatch you need to visit the final node called “The summoning circle”. If Cornelius is not in your party you can choose the persuade option and obtain the Belphyor scroll. If Cornelius is in your party you can choose the fourth option “Hello…old friend…we meet again.”

Once you obtain the Belphyor scroll, head to the mountains area using the red portal and at the bottom of the map you will find a node called “Stone table”. Enter the node and use the scroll to release the imps. The fight the cultist group and you will get a chest. Open the chest to get Flamy. Flamy skills are:


To get Lianta you need to enter the green portal and get into the spider cave. Make sure you do not fail the skill check else you won’t be able to unlock Lianta. Once you successfully complete the skill check and enter the spider cave, you need to visit the node called “A narrow gap”.

If you have Grukli in your party then select the third option else you need to choose “Enter” and take your chances with the gap. Then you need to visit a place to rest and you will get three options. You need to select “Open the mysterious cocoon” which will take you to the reward screen where you can select Lianta. Lianta skills are:


The node before the Voodoo hut in the green portal area needs to roll blue rarity with the event node called “Marsh Deeps”. Enter the node and choose the option to “Steal an Egg”. If you have Thulus in your party you can select his dialogue option to auto succeed in the skill check. Once you complete this you will obtain an item called a Mosquito egg.

After that, you need to visit the mountains area through the red portal and find the node called “Lava Cascade” with a mosquito egg beside it. Inside you need to select “Place the egg near the lava to hatch” to unlock Mozzy.


To get Oculy you need to reach the altar using the boat and find the node called “Aqueduct”. If the event node Aqueduct won’t be there you won’t be able to unlock Oculy. Once you are inside the node you need to select the option “Accept” and take Oculy with you.


After going through the red portal you need to find the event node called “Harpy Nest – The Harpy Matriarch” on the top side of the map. You need to visit the Velcroth Mountains before going into the Marsh.

Once you are inside the Harpy Nest select the combat option. Then select and look for something useful in the nest. Once you complete the node you will obtain the Harpy Egg. After that enter the Marsh area through the green portal and place the egg in the middle area of the map called the Altar. To reach the altar you need to pay the boat some gold. After placing the egg on the Altar you will obtain the pet Sharpy.


To obtain Stormy you need to visit the marsh area through the green portal and complete the node called Eastern Village. In that node you need to select the option called “Look for something interesting but don’t steal anything”.

Upon selecting that option you will obtain the Naga Notes. Now you need to take the boat to the top side of the map node called “Naga Mural” and beside it, you can find the Naga note icon. Inside the node, you need to choose the option called “Read Decipher the Mural” and you will obtain Stormy.


To be able to unlock Slimy you need to visit the marsh area through the green portal. Then take the node leading to the Western Village – The Lizardmen Tribe. In the Western Village, select the option to buy the homemade slime for 400g, you also need to buy the hammer and nails so select the fourth option where you can buy both the items for 600g.

Now in the Broken boat node, you need to select the repair option. Then enter the Cobwebs node and visit the node “Poisonous river” with the Slime bait icon. In that node you need to select the option called “Throw the slime bait away to lure” and you will obtain Slimy.

How To Unlock All The Characters


Across The Obelisk All Pet List & How To Unlock Them All (2024)
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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.