Six-Pointed Star: spiritual meaning - Awakening State (2024)

What is the spiritual meaning of the six-pointed star?

Short answer: The six-pointed star is a powerful symbol that has been used in various cultures around the world for centuries. It is also known as the Star of David, or Magen David in Hebrew, and has come to be especially associated with Judaism.

When observed as a whole, the six-pointed star represents perfect harmony among all things in life, with its points providing insight into how we can strive towards achieving this goal.


The six-pointed star is considered one of the oldest symbols throughout history. However, there is no mention of this symbol in the Talmudic literature or the Bible.

It consists of two equilateral triangles intersecting so that there is a hexagon surrounded by six points in the middle.

In Hebrew, it is known as Magen David (the shield of David). It is now inscribed on the flag of Israel.It is said that King David used this symbol as a protective shield against his enemies.

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It can be found on many Jewish items, such as lamps and seals. In Southern Italy, a Jewish tombstone from the third century CE was discovered with a Shield of David on it.

The Jewish community of Prague was the first to use the Magen David as its official symbol.A hexagram was also used to designate the Jewish neighborhood of Vienna in the 17th century.

Hinduism, Buddhism (found in the Tibetan Book of the Dead), and Jainism all contain cosmological diagrams that include six-pointed stars.

It is called the Star of Creation or the Creator’s Star for Christians.

In modern times, many people wear or display the six-pointed star for protection and to bring good luck—though this isn’t necessarily connected to any religious interpretation of the symbol.

Let’s explain the various spiritual meanings attributed to the six-pointed star.

Six-Pointed Star – Spiritual Meanings:


The top triangle represents divinity, while its lower triangle represents human life on earth—both coming together in perfect harmony with every other part of life’s journey.

Each point on this star symbolizes different aspects of our lives, such as love, understanding, wisdom, and peace, which can manifest when any individual aligns their inner energy source with that which is above them.

The six points also symbolize God’s rule over the universe in all six directions – west, east, south. north, up, and down.

The Meaning of 6Six-Pointed Star: spiritual meaning - Awakening State (1)

The number 6 is associated with balance, harmony, and completion in many cultures and religions.

It is seen as a divinely ordained number since ‘God created the world in six days’ (Exodus 20: 11).

Therefore, it corresponds to the six days of creation as per Genesis 1:31—hence why Sunday is considered a holy day for Christians.

Genesis 1:31 – “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day.”

In numerology, 6 stands for love, family stability, responsibility, orderliness, and justice — all values that are very important for human societies to function correctly. The number 6 also represents two perfect triangle shapes conjoined in a single figure.


Magicians often use a stylized version of the six-pointed star as part of their rituals to represent a divine intervention in achieving their intended outcomes.

The six-pointed star is referred to as the talisman of Saturn in the book -The History and Practice of Magic, Vol 2.

In alchemy, we can find references to this powerful shape and its various uses either by itself or combined with other symbols representing metals or planets, depending on what objective is being pursued by the practitioner.

However, the Bible prohibits the use of magic in Deuteronomy 18:10-11: “Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead.”

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Associated with the Anahata chakra

Anahata chakra is an energy center located in the heart area of the human body.

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It is considered one of the seven primary chakras – spinning wheels of energy that run along the spine, from the base of your spine up to the crown of your head.

The Anahata chakra governs our capacity to love, be compassionate, and have relationships with others. It also affects how we express ourselves and our self-awareness.

The Sanskrit name ‘Anahata’ translates to ‘unhurt’ or ‘not touched,’ as it is said that external influences cannot damage this chakra. This is because it is connected with unconditional love, which has no bounds or limits and can never really be broken or destroyed.

It relates to our spiritual essence, independent of material experience and emotion – a place where everything exists in perfect harmony and balance.

The Anahata chakra is generally represented by a six-pointed star inside a lotus flower.

Therefore, the six-pointed star within the Anahata chakra represents our journey toward enlightenment through love, compassion, courage, faith, wisdom, and power – all essential components to finding true inner peace on our path to enlightenment.

A Shield Against Darkness

Its radiant lines and harmonious symmetry are not just aesthetically pleasing but serve a higher purpose–providing a protective barrier against negative energies and influences.

As we inquire into the role of the six-pointed star as a spiritual shield, we first need to understand the concept of ‘darkness’ in spiritual terms.

Darkness does not only refer to evil spirits or supernatural entities; it is also a metaphor for negativity, fear, despair, and other detrimental emotions and thoughts that can cloud our mind and spirit.

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In many cultures and spiritual practices, the six-pointed star is thought to have the power to guard its wearer from these dark forces.

Its configuration, two interlaced triangles, is said to create a spiritual force field that repels negativity.

In some belief systems, this protective aspect is given physical form through amulets or talismans bearing the symbol of the six-pointed star, usually worn around the neck or placed in homes and sacred spaces.

This protective emblem is not just a passive shield but an active force against darkness. It is believed that the six-pointed star emits positive energy that neutralizes harmful influences before they reach the wearer.

This protective aura acts like a spiritual armor, safeguarding the soul from the onslaught of negative energies.

The formidable power of the six-pointed star as a shield against darkness extends beyond personal protection. Many spiritual practitioners use this symbol in rituals and ceremonies intended to cleanse spaces, objects, or individuals from negative energy.

By invoking the power of the six-pointed star, they aim to restore harmony, balance, and positive energy.

But perhaps the most potent power of the six-pointed star as a shield against darkness lies in its ability to inspire and empower.

It acts as a recall of our innate capacity to combat negativity, fear, and darkness in our lives.

The symbol encourages us to access our inner strength and positivity, guiding us to light, love, and spiritual enlightenment.

A Symbol of Quantum Worlds

The six-pointed star finds an intriguing place within the realm of quantum physics.

This fusion of spirituality and science uncovers a deeper understanding of reality and offers a glimpse into the complexities of our universe.

Quantum physics, at its core, deals with the smallest particles in the universe, breaking down reality to its most fundamental levels.

It explores phenomena that seem to defy conventional physics, such as the dual nature of light and matter, which can behave both as particles and waves.

This duality echoes in the two interlaced triangles of the six-pointed star, each representing a different aspect of reality.

One triangle can be seen as symbolizing the classical physical world we perceive with our senses. This is the world of matter, governed by laws of cause and effect, where time flows linearly, and space is three-dimensional.

The other triangle represents the quantum world, a realm where particles can exist in multiple places at once, can be entangled over vast distances, and can shift between states instantaneously.

The ‘between’ of the two triangles might be understood as the quantum superposition — the state where particles exist in all possible states at once until observed.

This is a concept that challenges our everyday understanding of reality and brings a sense of mystery and wonder to the exploration of the universe.

Therefore, the balance between Time and Space, or God and the Devil, can be seen as the balance between determinism and uncertainty, order and chaos.

The classical world is predictable and orderly, much like the concept of a benevolent God maintaining harmony in the universe.

The quantum world, on the other hand, is full of uncertainties and probabilities, akin to the unpredictability and chaos often associated with the Devil.

This interpretation of the six-pointed star as a symbol of quantum worlds does not negate its spiritual significance. Instead, it enhances it, adding layers of meaning and depth.

It suggests that spirituality and science are not opposing forces but complementary perspectives, each contributing to a fuller understanding of the universe and our place within it.

In a broader sense, the six-pointed star as a symbol of quantum worlds asks us to consider the interconnectedness of everything in the universe, the delicate balance that holds it together, and the mysteries that lie beyond our current understanding.

It captures the essence of our ongoing quest for knowledge and the complexity of the cosmos.

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Final WordsSix-Pointed Star: spiritual meaning - Awakening State (2)

We can say that although the exact meaning behind the six-pointed star may vary according to different belief systems, one thing remains certain: this symbol has served humanity faithfully throughout the ages – indicating beauty, stability, divinity, and ultimately a balance between body and soul.

If used correctly by humans today, then surely these qualities can still be obtained regardless if a person follows any particular religion or not.

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John McDonald

John McDonald is a writer living in South Dakota. John is a seeker of truth and knowledge, exploring both ancient and modern information to help find the interconnectedness of the two. He has noticed universal synchronicities from an early age which he uses to gain insight into life’s spiritual symbolism. When John isn’t writing, he enjoys spending time outdoors, going on hikes or to the movies, and trying out new vegan recipes.

Six-Pointed Star: spiritual meaning - Awakening State (2024)


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The symbolism of the 6 pointed Star is a powerful Yantra symbol known at “The Shatkona”. It is a symbol used in Hindu yantra that represents the union of both the masculine and feminine form. More specifically it represents Purusha (the supreme being), and Prakriti (mother nature, or causal matter).

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The six-pointed star, commonly thought to be an ancient symbol of Jewish identity, actually assumed this significance fairly late. In fact, the hexagram has undergone numerous changes in meaning over time as well as being a widespread motif in other cultures.

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In spite of its astronomical origins, in the 18th century the hexagram was commonly used as superstitious protection against evil (the “hex” also comes from this tradition). Alchemists used it to symbolize the union of opposites, and it is considered by some to be the symbolic epitome of “as above, so below.”

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Star of David, Jewish symbol composed of two overlaid equilateral triangles that form a six-pointed star. It appears on synagogues, Jewish tombstones, and the flag of the State of Israel.

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The Star consists of two equilateral triangles – one pointing upwards, the other pointing down. The coming together of these triangles symbolises our aspiration to the world above, and the grace of heaven meeting the yearning for growth in the world below and becoming one.

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The Star of David (Hebrew: מָגֵן דָּוִד, romanized: Magen David, lit. 'Shield of David') is a generally recognized symbol of both Jewish identity and Judaism. Its shape is that of a hexagram: the compound of two equilateral triangles.

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The six-pointed star is commonly used both as a talisman and for conjuring spirits and spiritual forces in diverse forms of occult magic. In the book The History and Practice of Magic, Vol. 2, the six-pointed star is called the talisman of Saturn and it is also referred to as the Seal of Solomon.

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It is found in sacred shapes like the Flower of Life, which is seen in ancient architecture around the world. Because of its two interlocking triangles, the hexagon as a symbol often stands for harmony and balance and also male and female energy . When you draw a six pointed star the points form together as a hexagon.

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In Christian iconography, the hexagonal shape is reminiscent of a casket, a small pointed boat-like structure in which to depart this life and journey toward the New Jerusalem. It symbolizes the burial of the old sinful self.

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There are several explanations for the symbolism of the Star of David: One explanation is that the six points and the center symbolize seven virtues: kindness, severity, harmony, perseverance, splendor, foundation, and royalty.

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The six-pointed star is the Creator's Star or Star of Creation. Its six points stand for the six days of creation, and are also represent the six attributes of God: power, wisdom, majesty, love, mercy and justice. The 6 pointed star is the same as the Star of David, a symbol of Judaism modern-day Israel.

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The Star of Bethlehem, or Christmas Star, appears in the nativity story of the Gospel of Matthew chapter 2 where "wise men from the East" (Magi) are inspired by the star to travel to Jerusalem.

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Shatkona (षट्कोण) is a symbol used in Hindu yantra; a “six-pointed star” is made from two interlocking triangles; the upper stands for Shiva, Purusha, the lower for Shakti, Prakriti. Their union gives birth to Sanat Kumara, whose sacred number is six.

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The Star of Life is a blue, six-pointed star, outlined with a white border which features the Rod of Asclepius in the center. The Star of Life is a certification mark that was issued on February 1, 1977. The logo is used as a stamp of authentication or certification for ambulances, paramedics or other EMS personnel.

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.