The Daily Iberian from New Iberia, Louisiana (2024)

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The Daily Iberiani

New Iberia, Louisiana

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Thursday November 15 1956 The Daily Iberian New Iberia La Womans Page BARBARA A BURKE Woman's Paga Editov Social news or personal Itama of lnterasl art gladly accepted for publication at The Daiky Iberian Offica 8 Brldga Street on Bayou TechoDlel EM 4-1801 Rabbi Charles Kroloff To Officiate At Temple Here Unitarians To Hear Dr Kirkpatrick Dr William Kirkpatrick will address the Unitarian Fellowship of Iiafayette Thursday evening at 8 pm at I he Temple Kodepli Shu-loin 6i3 Lee Ave Lafayette on Psychiatry and Religion I Miring hi talk lir Kirkpatrick will (race the development of the interrelationship of psychiatry and religion from ancient times to the present day statu Hr Kirkpatrick I a graduate of SLI and of the 1AU Mediral School Before entering private practice in Lafayette he wa the former Clinical and Medical Pi-rector of the Lafayette Mpnlai lit a Mil Treatment tenter which has the diRlinetioii of being the first of il kind direetly associated with a stale menial hospital to coming to Lafayette Ur Kirkpatrick was three year at the Last Louisiana Stale Hospital in larkson where he wa the A-dtant Superintendent of the Hospital Mr Kirkpatrirk I a native of New Orleans and a former student at SLI also AT the Coffee Social Hour which will directly follow the talk and discussion period The Utiilnr inn Fellowship of Lafayette will iclehrate its first Bimlvprssry The lurthilay cake will he provided hy Miss Cliat Beadle Secretary one of Hie original founders who rele-hrale Imr own birthday on the same day The first meeting of the Unit Brian Fellowship was held on the IS Noveinlier 1955 at the home of Mr and Mrs Clia A Ream Jr with 12 persons attending Mr ami Mrs James Evan of New Iberia were In this group Week lv meeting were started with outstanding Unitarian minislers visit ing from San Antonio New Orleans and Atlanta Ga Lay speakers have rnme from Baton Rouge and Tyler Texas GLORIA JEAN LACY Homecoming At Baptist Academy The first sponsored homecoming of Acadia Baptist Academy Eunice Ioulsiana will be hld on Saturday December 1 1956 All alumni and former staff and faculty member of A A are cordially Invited to attend this homecoming day The activities of the day will be es follow: 10:00 AM Begistretinn end Open House 1 1 (Ml AM Alumni Assembly 12:00 Noon Bar-H-(ue Luncheon 2:30 Homecoming Basketball Game Basile vs A 11 A THE homecoming basketball game will lie played with the Ha-allc Bearcata This team has demonstrated its by its ability to keep tbe out-turtle of the gam uncertain until the last whistle has blown During the halftime activities Carrie vldrine Funice Inuliana will be crowned Basketball Rweet-hear Her court will Include Wil-da Vldrine Funice IiOiiisiane and Frances Horton Shreveport Louisians Reverend Fletcher Superintendent of A A slates: Auxiliary To St Martin Legion Meets Mrs Bill Olivier president officiated over the meeting of the American Jegion Auxiliary held at the Alfred Delahoussaye home St Marlinville recently During the regular order of business Christmas boxes for the Toy and Gift Shops for Veteran Hospitals were discussed Earh vear the aux diary sends boxes of rfnlls and fancy apron to the Veterans Hospital in New Orleans where the gifts are distributed to tbe patients who in turn send them to their families at Christmas time The annual ChriRfmas parly Tor the auxiliary Is scheduled for the third Thursday In December Other business lnrluded reports given by members who attended the Fall conference in Franklin and New Orleans Homemade cake and hot chocolate were served to the guests following the business Live Oak PTA Unit Hears Scout Leaders Miss Jeanette Landry Executive Director of the Bayou Girl Scout Council and Mrs Mixon district chairman were guest speakers at the Live Oak School PTA meeting Tuesday afternoon Each spoke on the benefits and accomplishments of the Girl Scouts and stressed the lack of leaders Mrs Nugent Girl Scout leader for Live Oak School was also present for the meeting Mrs George Khoury opened the business meeting with tbe PTA Prayer Five PTA members volunteered to help with the Muscular Dysptrophy being conducted MR PERSHING Cashen principal asked for volunteers to transport school children to and from Ihe Sugar Festival building today to see the production "The Adventures of Marco Polo" scheduled for this afternoon Many of the members volunteered their services He also announced that the All Star Football game will he today Thursday at 7:30 pm Some of the playera are Live Oak pupils The unit members enjoyed coffee served by the hospitality committee following the business JR CDA A Talent Show sponsored hy Jr Catholic Daughters of America will be in St Teresa Hall in Ior-eauville Nov 15 8 YWA MEETING Tbe YWA Girla of the Highland Baptist Church held their first meeting in the home of Mrs Ber-gea Officers elected are: president Becky Winfree vice president reporter and publicity manager Karen Nelson secretary treasurer and social chairman Dianne Rushing program chairman Barbara Dautreull Mrs Car-roll is counselor Mrs Berges installed the officers Sharon Slade was a guest for the meeting DAVID HOLLEY i I I a would like to see every living alumnus of A li A on this memorable day bill we know many of you can't come Attending the Academy from New Iheria are Gloria Jean Lacy and David It Holley VIM 1360 On The Dial JOHNNY COCO Mgv Dial 2-5828 FRIDAY AM 8:00 Sign On 6i30 Big Jamboree 7i30 The nosary 7:45 World Newa 8:00 Music For Yi 8:15 Morning Devotional 8:30 Musical Clock 9:00 Headlines 9:15 Musical Cinch 10:15 8acred Heart 10:30 Fun Time 11:30 Headlines 11:45 Luncheon Melodies FRIDAY PM 12:00 Wee Id News 12:15 Church of Chrial 12:30 1360 Platter Party 3:30 Rnmero 3:30 Hopkins St Mop 4:15 1360 Platter Party 5:00 Sports Roundup 515 Church of Christ 5:28 Sign Off 5:00 Sports Roundup THE PERFECT GIFT Give her a Gift eh? will long remember anti cherieh Give Iter BUNIJIiAM APPLIANCES See Our Complete Selection Now CREDIT JEWELERS Dial EM 4-1931 it HNCHGED Mr and Mrs Leon Delahoufsaye announce the en-g-gpmenl and approaching marriage of their daughter A'berta to Mr Gilbert Whittle Jr ion of Mr and Mr Gilbert Whittle Sr The weddina will be an event of December 30th (Breaux Studio) Favorite Book Contest at Library The third annual Hook ('mile!" will he held at I he New Ihr' ia Brain Library ho tinning Monday Nov 19 throuch Thursday Nov 29 All school aliulenl In New lln lia ar- tnviled to enter the title of their favoiite hook in the conteat Student in the first through sixth grade will enter their vote in Croup A and seventh through twelfth grade In Group TWO entrance prize will he awnrded hi each group Amuuinee-nienl of the winning Imnks and awarding of the prises will lie made Friday Nov 30 EACH vear the lwok confel I held in observation of Book Week whlrh will he celebrated Nov 25-Dec 1 this yea: last ycar'a favorite hook! were: Women" liv lAiuisa May Alcott first Se-crci Garden" hv Francis II IUirnelt second and Black Stallion by Waller Fniley third llunner up were: "The Clul- dren'a Bine Bird" by Maurice Maeterlinck "The Good a Boy" hy Gerald Thomas Bren-iiaii Special Summer" hv Joee Boyle: and Barton Student Nurse" hy Helen Bnylston Suson Terrell PTA Unit Has Meeting The Susan Terrell PTA Meeting was held Monday night November 12th In the absence of Mr Wimberly Supt of Schools Mr Bert Terrell Principal gave an interesting talk on teachers ralaries During the regular order of business the meeting was epeneii with the PTA Prayer hy Mr Marcotte Mrs Winkle president of the unit (onducled a short business meet Ing during which time various topics were discussed Miss Conrad's third grade won the room prise After the meeting refreshments were served to about fifty New Year's Eve Dance Tickets Are On Sale JEANFRETTF NEWS The impersonation of Sophie Tucker has been added to the pro gram of tlie New 5 Vve Unuce slated at National Guatd Armory This was announced by a member of the Swimming Pool Steering committee li dance begins at 8 pm and tickets a i on sale now Ticker may be purchased from MourcCs Dry Cleaners ami Tickets are S3no per eou-le The fioorshow is scheduled for 10 30 pm Tlie Steering rommitlee has an i-oimced (hat more donatims are in anil the following are from Clinton Ragan Anthony Graffo end George Moresi $23 Francis Kelly $0 Fibs Barrilleaux $3 Wilmer Landry Mrs Joseph lam iore $3: Pierre Bourque Mary nn Fscagne Charles Thomas $2 and William Verrel Will Sandoz Mrs lucy Davis $1 200 people have pledged $14-t'8269 BIRTHS MR and Mrs Donald Fowler announce the birlh of a daughter Mr duet Claim November 7 th The bahv weighed 7 pounds mmcea Mrs Fowler Is the former Carolyn Kllzev of New Iberia ARMENT0RS 137 Main The November Sisterhood meeting was held Tuesday evening in the Community Center Temple Galea of Prayer with Mrs Jack Colbert Mrs Ralph Davis Mrs Iiefkovils co hostesses Presiding over the meeting wras Mrs Percy Creim president Mrs Colbert gave the opening prayer afterwliich Mrs llsrold Wormser replacing Mrs Saul Brooks secretary read the mlnu (es of 4he previous meeting and called the roll The report and report by the committee chairmen were beard a well a all correspondence Mr Creim thanked the members for their participation In the executive stale board meeting here November 3rd and 4fh FRIDAY November 30fh the first night of Chanukah will be observed here with Rahbl Charle Kroloff from Cincinnati Ohio conducting the Chanukah Service in the Temple at 7:30 The service will be followed by a Chanu-1-nli social In the Community Center with Mra II Robin Mr Joe Wormser and Miss Gertrude Wormser co hostesses On Saturday December lt Rabid Kroloff will ronduet the Children's service at 10 am In Ihe Temple and that night at 8 o'clock rtu "Adult History" discussion will take plare In Center led by the Rabbi Tim Deemner Sisterhood meeting will be boat eased by Mrs Jus-fin innscr Mrs Jake Levy Mrs Harold Wormser Attending this month's session were Ieliles the hostesses Mrs Creim Mrs Harold Wormser Miss Ruth Terkovils Mrs Kaplun Mr A Tartak Mrs Robin Mis lanire Scliarff Mrs Phillip Weil sir Trfnn Slipaknff Mrs Gus Weill Mrs Jake Iievy Mrs Karl Weill Mr Herbert Weill Mra Justin Wormser Mr Davis Mrs Lahaskey Refresh-pi enls were served following the meeting Personals Mra Hugh Junkin and Mr A Perry of Natchez Mi were recent house guests of Mr and Mrs Lincoln Riley ATTENDING a Budget Meeting of the League of Women Voters its Alexandria Tuesday were Mrs Robert Perry Mrs Vernon Mrs 0 Durbin and Miss Alma Sharp MRS Albert Iusch of New Orleans who is the Stale Chairman of Ihe league orgpni7nlinu the guest of CVL and Mrs Ver-imn Mrs Lu'h conferred with tlie local league today at at the hom*o of Mrs William Bo nin Mt'C JR 411 The menlhly meeting of the Junior Mt Carmel 411 club was held Tuesday in the school gym The meeting was opened with the pledge to the flag Miss Pat Coco tssiKtant demonstration agent gave a demonstration on making pie crust Project books were distributed to the girls and the meeting closed with the singing of "Owl Bless America'' Kay Sliinan reporter Ltj She's the perfect playmate for a little this life-size dolly cun wear your child's own clothes! A Christmas gift that's fun to make wonderful to give! Pattern 714: Transfer direc tions for 32-inch doll only Dress her in Size-2 outgrown clothes "Send TWENTY FIVE CENTS in coins for this pattern add 5 cents for each pattern if you wish 1st class mailing Send to NEW IBERIA IBERIAN No 169 Old Chelsea Station New York 11 Our gift to you two wonderful patterns for yourself your home printed in our Laura Wheeler Necdlccraft Book Plus dozens of other new designs to order crochet knitting embroidery iron-ons novelties Send 25 cents for your copy of this book NOW with gift patterns printed in ill "I Miss Claudette Landry daughter of Mr and Mrs Emlck Landry of Jefferson Island is engaged to marry Mr Dolfie Romero son of Mr and Mrs Joseph Romero of New Iberia The wedding will take place in Our Ledy of Perpetual Help Church December 15th (Breaux Studio) Weeks Brevities RECENT guests of Mr and Mrs Harold Prince and family were Mr and Mrs Oliver Jolel and Bonny Julet all of New Orleans MR Raymond Jolel and Misses Eileen and Julie Jolel and Makers Itay and Jeffrey Jolel motored to Houma on Saturday Reluming to Weeks with them wa Mrs Allied Jolet who spent the past week in Houma as guest of Mr and Mrs IiPon About and Mr AlheC Almut MR and Mra Mike Villermlii and daughter Pat and Igiwrenre Golden of New Iberia were guests of Mr and Mra Chris Kapp and family on Sunday MR ami Mr Lnsselgne spent a week in Thiliodoatix witli Mrs lasseignes mother Mrs Pario Boudreaux Mil and Mrs Rivesl Broussard or New Iberia visited in Weeks on Sunday MIL and Mrs Jewel Palmer amt suns Leslie and Gary and Mrs Raymond llebeil and ann Vince visited in Jeaneretle this week with Mr and Mra Clifford CharpetVicr and daughter MU and Mrs Tlieophile Las- seigne and son Mike visited in Thi- i hudeaux on Friday Mr ami Mrs Fi Iasseigne returned home with them after spending the week in Thibodeaux MBS Donald Hebert spent tlie week end in New Iberia with her parents Mr and Mrs Igiwrenre Walker Sr MR and Mrs Terry Duval of Joanerette were week-end guests of Mr Duval's parents Mr ami Mrs Ned Duval VISITING in lot a on Sunday wTh Fr Josef A Van Brero and Mis Henriette cleOraaf were Mr ami Mrs Baymond Jolet and children Juliana and Ilay Miss Kathleen 1 Icl and Mra Albert Jolet Sr A1o visiting with Fr Van Brero were Mr and Mra Harold Tfandrv of Franklin and Mrs Paul Landry and Miss Edvige Landry of New Iberia MR ami Mrs Dell Rergeron Jr ami sun Drew and Mrs Irving Sigur S' spent Wednesday In Lake Charles wiili Mrs Sigur' dnngh-trr and son in law Mr and Kirs Jim Miller WEEKEND guesls or Mr and Mrs Euplieuum Dormieii Sr were their son and daughter in law Mr ami Mrs Raymond Dermien of New Orleans MR and Mrs John Jnlo of Franklin spent the week end here with their parents 31 and Mrs A Morris and Mr and Mrs Emmett Jolel MR and Mrs Ellen Rivet of Plnrmemine were recent guests of l-'irir parents Mr and Mr Allton Rivet and Mr and Mr Sidney Rocers i CHARLES Moure left ttd week I after spending a 30 dnv leave 1 iirp with hi parent Mr and I Mrs A Moore Jr Charles i will be chipped to Okinowa after to ramp MR and Mrs Emar TTebert were i filers In New Therla and Charon ton this week end i i MRS Crm-liet and children I 'f New Iberia viife-l here with unroof Mr and Mr Henry Thibodeaux MR and Mr Dudley Gro and miivpn Janelle and Darrel vis i here over iie w(' c-d -bh i parents Mr and Mr Roots anj Mr and Mrs George Gro MISS Eileen Tilt ef Tyrlia snent we A-end ''ere a guest of 'Mss Juliana Join MIS Deaeea Fnnnioev of Tnf and afins TTp-ii Rernnon of T'evin snent wjfi Mis parents 1'' and Mr Ernest Founnier Sr Week-End Special Sale! Thurs Fri Sat Bargains In Wear? Wear and Ladies Wear Hurry! Bridge Sc Main New Iberia CALENDER OF COMING EVENTS Wednesday November 28th Music Study Club Mrs John Trotter Jr Trotter Street 1:30 pm Every Tuesday Evening I 3 Meeting 7:10 Iberia Lodga 1 0 0 0 Third Wednesday of each month La Petite Cliuue meets at 5:30 pm at the Petrocane Club Thursday November II Fredrica Rand HWC Meeting 130 Center 7:80 pm Monday Dee 10 Annual Christmas Concert New Iberia Music Study Club 7:30 pm 9 Thursday Nov tt Iberia Golf and Country Auxiliary Luncheon Country Club 1 pm Friday Nov 88 7:30 pm Chanukah Services Temple Gates of Prayer Social In Community Center Saturday December 1st It em Children's Chanukah Service Temple Gates of Prayer Saturday December 1 8 pm History Discussion in Jewish Community Street Second Friday of each month Acorn Garden Club Meeting 9:30 am Every 3rd Wednesday Baby Visiting Committee Confra fruity of Christian Doctrine Meeting- Every 'Ft Thursday Schlumberger Wives Meet 0 0 0 Third Monday each Month 7:30 pm Magnolia PTA Unit at school Second Tuesday of each month At 3 Circle 1 of tho Presbyterian Church Second Thursday of each month 7:30 pm Circle II of tlie Tresbyterlan Church Fourth Wednesday of each month Tbe Winen of the Presbyterian Church 3 pm in the Church 'Back-To-Earth' Movement In Gardens High Tlio do-it-yourself vogue which blossomed alter Worm War 11 found its inofi: dramatic expression in tlie gardens of America Recent studies by The Gardening Council show that the to earth" movement has reached an aii-time peak Why are Americans spending a greater amount of tneir Disposable Income for home gardening than ever liefinro? Why are some con- genital city dwellers frying to outdo their il yourself" cousins in the country and suburbs in the care of garden? Why is gardening the fastest growing outdoor hobby in the nation? The Council an organization of 5 associated nursery companies which was formed to meet ttic 'rowing demand for more garden-ng information offers three main reasons for the spectacular increase In home gardening WHETHER the home gardener is from an urban or rural area the health factor Is cited as one of the key reasons for the upswing In home gardening Tlie Council finds official medical support for this According to Ihe Journal of the American Medical Association gardening is one of Hie best methods of relaxing from the fast pace of modcrn living Another factor is increased leisure time The rapid technological changes which are shortening working hours are giving him more time for play More and more Americans arc Interpreting to mean active rather than passive participation While such pursuits as TV viewing retain their popularity the outdoors is becoming a greater magnet every day Increasing numbers of people are placing a greater value on "getting out into the sun" and watching the miracle of plant growth unfold WHAT is especially significant about this the Council notes is that unlike some other do it yourself pursuits this "bark to nature" trnd brim's the whole family closer together It even cements closer ties between neighbors and entire communities It has become a common sight on a warm day to see mother dad and the kids working together to spruce up the yard plant shnibs and trees Thor? is also the familiar picture of neighbors comparing notes cn the results they got with a particular variety or planting arrangement Or take the new suburban dwellers Fresh from the city and thirsting to get Dcir hands into the soil these fledgling horticulturists feci a strong community prida in well-tended green areas Are there anv signs that Interest in home gardening will ease off in the future? If so The Gardening Council's study show them The group confidently ex-nects to be disseminating information to home gardeners for a long long time the BlAck wAtch REVERSIBLE JACKET named after tbe amove Biilidi rtgisi MOTHERS (Ail handtome REVERSIBLE JACKET for boys is completely washable I PACKED READY FOR GIVING IN A COLORFUL METAL CONTAINER 2 Order sag yealfM FREE gaefcat detergent I the Jacket pock ADVTISED TRm by 3 and 5 POUND SIZES One From Your Grocer's Today There's nothing quite like the flavor of a Mrs Cotton' Fruit Cake- Da made according to treasured recipe end it's vary popular during the holiday season so when you buy on for yourself why not include several for gift-giving Your grocor has them and they're packed hi gey Christmas tins Order one or mere todayl Here's the most procticol jocket of the year It's reversible and washable handsomely styled with colorful Block Watch plaid panels slosh pockets and adjustable button cuffs In mint ton powder and gold Reversible to a solid color Sizes BROUSSARDS 121 Church Aliev 7.

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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.