Were you born on a FULL MOON? (2024)

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  • Were you born on a FULL MOON? (1)Today's Moon Phase
  • Were you born on a FULL MOON? (2)Moon Phase Calendar
  • Were you born on a FULL MOON? (3)Full Moon Calendar
  • Were you born on a FULL MOON? (4)Blue Moon Calendar
  • Were you born on a FULL MOON? (5)Born on a Full Moon?

Were you born on a FULL MOON? (6)

Were you born on a FULL MOON? (7) Were you born on a FULL MOON? (8)

Calculating Moon Phase for:

Were you born on a FULL MOON? (9)

Were you born on a FULL MOON? (10)

Were you born on a FULL MOON? (11)

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Birthdays including the one you just entered have been added to the data. Check back often to see how the results grow as more and more people enter their Birthdays. We are hoping to answer the question "Are more people born on a Full Moon".

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- Full Moon Birthdays
- New Moon Birthdays

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  • Were you born on a FULL MOON? (13)Today's Moon Phase
  • Were you born on a FULL MOON? (14)Moon Phase Calendar
  • Were you born on a FULL MOON? (15)Full Moon Calendar
"); $("#todayMoonDiv #todayMoonInner2").append(""+res[0]+" in Sagittarius"+todayCopy); // zodiac inputs $(".zodiac").append("Were you born on a FULL MOON? (16)"); //$("#todayMoonDiv #zodiacMoon .zodiacCopy").append(""+addDash(res[6])+"
"+res[0]+" in the
constellation Sagittarius
More Details >"); $("#todayMoonDiv #zodiacMoon .zodiacCopy").append(""+addDash(res[6])+"
"+res[0]+" in the
constellation Sagittarius
More Details >"); // add date to illu chart $("#illumchart #illuDataToday").append(res[6]); //add image to todays phase var oIToday = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "image"); oIToday.setAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink','href', "/moonphasesource/images/moonCover.png"); oIToday.setAttribute("x", "2"); oIToday.setAttribute("y", "2"); oIToday.setAttribute("height", "96px"); oIToday.setAttribute("width", "96px"); oIToday.setAttribute("opacity", "1"); $("#rToday").append(oIToday); TriggerClick = 0; $("#mobNav, #mobNavBg").click(function(){ if(TriggerClick==0){ TriggerClick=1; $("#mobNavwid").animate({width:'280px'}, 500); $("#mobNavBg").fadeTo(500, .6); $("#line3,#line1").animate({top:'10px'}, 300, function(){ $("#line1").fadeOut(0); $("#line2").addClass('box_rotate box_transition'); $("#line3").addClass('box_rotate2 box_transition2'); }); _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'mobile', 'nav', 'on']); }else{ TriggerClick=0; $("#mobNavwid").animate({width:'0px'}, 500); $("#mobNavBg").fadeOut(500); $("#line1").fadeIn(0); $("#line2").removeClass('box_rotate box_transition'); $("#line3").removeClass('box_rotate2 box_transition2'); $("#line1").animate({top:'0px'}, 500); $("#line3").animate({top:'20px'}, 500); }; }); $( "#prefs_lumination" ).click(function() { $(".perLabel").fadeToggle( 100, "linear" ); $(".phaseLabel").fadeToggle( 100, "linear" ); if (!$(this).hasClass('play')) { $("#prefs_lumination img").attr("src" ,"/images/calBtn_on.png"); $(this).addClass('play') } else { $("#prefs_lumination img").attr("src" ,"/images/calBtn_off.png"); $(this).removeClass('play') } }); $( "#prefs_phaseName" ).click(function() { $(".nameLabel").fadeToggle( 100, "linear" ); if (!$(this).hasClass('play')) { $("#prefs_phaseName img").attr("src" ,"/images/calBtn_on.png"); $(this).addClass('play') } else { $("#prefs_phaseName img").attr("src" ,"/images/calBtn_off.png"); $(this).removeClass('play') } }); $( "#prefs_majorphase" ).click(function() { if (!$(this).hasClass('play')) { $( ".canonical" ).css("stroke","#337ab7"); $( ".canonical" ).css("stroke-width","6px"); $("#prefs_majorphase img").attr("src" ,"/images/calBtn_on.png"); $(this).addClass('play') } else { $("#prefs_majorphase img").attr("src" ,"/images/calBtn_off.png"); $( ".canonical" ).css("stroke","#414040"); $( ".canonical" ).css("stroke-width","1px"); $(this).removeClass('play') } }); //$('#monthF').val(''); //$('#dayF').val(''); //$('#yearF').val(''); //input data var dataphase = "Sagittarius"; var sunZod = "Gemini" var dataString = 'zod1='+ dataphase+'&ph1='+res[0]+'&zodSun='+sunZod; //alert(dataString); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/birthday-moon/phasedata.php", data: dataString, dataType: "json", scriptCharset: "UTF-8", contentType:"application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8", //cache: false, success: function(result){ $.each( result.PhaseData[0], function( key, value ) { //$("#totalinCopy").append( key + ": " + value +"
"); }); //$("#returnStuff").append("

Moon Zodiac
"); $.each( result.PhaseData[2], function( key, value ) { //$("#returnStuff").append( key + ": " + value +"
"); }); //$("#returnStuff").append("

Sun Zodiac
"); $.each( result.PhaseData[1], function( key, value ) { //$("#returnStuff").append( key + ": " + value +"
"); }); // numbers in copy $("#totalinCopy, #totalinCopy2, .chartTotal span").append(addCommas(result.PhaseData[0]['TotalMoon'])); var fullPercent = result.PhaseData[0]['Full Moon'] / result.PhaseData[0]['TotalMoon']*100; $("#fullP").append(result.PhaseData[0]['Full Moon']); $("#newP").append(result.PhaseData[0]['New Moon']); //http://canvasjs.com CanvasJS.addColorSet("greenShades", [//colorSet Array "#2F4F4F", "#008080", "#2E8B57", "#3CB371", "#90EE90", "#2F4F4F", "#008080" ]); var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("chartContainer", { theme: "theme2", backgroundColor: null, colorSet: "greenShades", animationEnabled: true, data: [ { type: "pie", showInLegend: false, percentFormatString: "#0.", toolTipContent: "{y} - #percent %", yValueFormatString: "#,##0", legendText: "{indexLabel}", indexLabelFontSize: 12, radius: "70%", dataPoints: [ { y: result.PhaseData[0]["New Moon"], indexLabel: " New Moon" }, { y: result.PhaseData[0]["Waxing Crescent" ], indexLabel: "Waxing Crescent" }, { y: result.PhaseData[0]["First Quarter"], indexLabel: "First Quarter" }, { y: result.PhaseData[0]["Waxing Gibbous"], indexLabel: "Waxing Gibbous"}, { y: result.PhaseData[0]["Full Moon"], exploded: true, indexLabel: "Full Moon" }, { y: result.PhaseData[0]["Waning Gibbous"], indexLabel: "Waning Gibbous"}, { y: result.PhaseData[0]["Last Quarter"], indexLabel: "Last Quarter"}, { y: result.PhaseData[0]["Waning Crescent"], indexLabel: "Waning Crescent"} ] } ] }); chart.render(); //alert(result); } }); return false; });//end doc ready function numberWithCommas(x) { return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","); } function dailyIllumBuild(idi){ var svgns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"; var baseRadius = 0.72; var _labelIllu = "illuPass"+idi; var illuGroup = document.createElementNS(svgns, "svg"); illuGroup.setAttribute("class", "active activeRollno"); illuGroup.setAttribute("id", _labelIllu); illuGroup.setAttribute("width", '100%'); illuGroup.setAttribute("height", '100%'); illuGroup.setAttribute("viewBox", "10 10 110 110"); var illubackground = document.createElementNS(svgns, "rect"); illubackground.setAttribute("class", "dateBackground"); illubackground.setAttribute("width", 145); illubackground.setAttribute("height", 145); illubackground.setAttribute("x", 0); illubackground.setAttribute("y", 0); illuGroup.appendChild(illubackground); var illuPhaseRendering = document.createElementNS(svgns, "svg"); //phaseRendering.setAttribute("id", "circle_" + _label); illuPhaseRendering.setAttribute("class", "circleGroup"); illuPhaseRendering.setAttribute("x", "0"); illuPhaseRendering.setAttribute("y", "0"); illuPhaseRendering.setAttribute("width", "140"); illuPhaseRendering.setAttribute("height", "140"); illuPhaseRendering.setAttribute("viewBox", "-1 -1 2 2"); var illuCircleGroup = document.createElementNS(svgns, "g"); illuCircleGroup.setAttribute("id", "circleGroup_"+ _labelIllu); //this needs to be id individual illuCircleGroup.setAttribute("class", "circleGroup"); illuCircleGroup.setAttribute("transform", "rotate(23)"); var illuCirc = document.createElementNS(svgns, "circle"); illuCirc.setAttribute("id", "circle_" + _labelIllu); illuCirc.setAttribute("class", "circleBack"); illuCirc.setAttribute("cx", 0); illuCirc.setAttribute("cy", 0); illuCirc.setAttribute("r", baseRadius); illuCircleGroup.appendChild(illuCirc); var illuCirc = document.createElementNS(svgns, "circle"); illuCirc.setAttribute("id", "circle_" + _labelIllu); illuCirc.setAttribute("class", "circleFront"); illuCirc.setAttribute("cx", 0); illuCirc.setAttribute("cy", 0); illuCirc.setAttribute("r", baseRadius); //circ.setAttribute("fill", "url(#image)"); illuCircleGroup.appendChild(illuCirc); var illuLeftArc = document.createElementNS(svgns, "path"); illuLeftArc.setAttribute("id", "leftArc_" + _labelIllu); illuLeftArc.setAttribute("class", "leftArc"); illuLeftArc.setAttribute("d", "M 0, " + (-baseRadius) + " A " + baseRadius + "+" + baseRadius + " 0 1,0 0," + baseRadius + " Z"); illuCircleGroup.appendChild(illuLeftArc); var illuRightArc = document.createElementNS(svgns, "ellipse"); illuRightArc.setAttribute("id", "rightArc_" + _labelIllu); illuRightArc.setAttribute("class", "rightArc"); illuRightArc.setAttribute("cx", "0"); illuRightArc.setAttribute("cy", "0"); illuRightArc.setAttribute("rx", "0"); illuRightArc.setAttribute("ry", baseRadius); //rightArc.setAttribute("fill", "url(#image)"); illuCircleGroup.appendChild(illuRightArc); illuPhaseRendering.appendChild(illuCircleGroup); illuGroup.appendChild(illuPhaseRendering); var illuOverImage = document.createElementNS(svgns, "image"); illuOverImage.setAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink','href', "/moonphasesource/images/moonCover.png"); illuOverImage.setAttribute("x", "1"); illuOverImage.setAttribute("y", "1"); illuOverImage.setAttribute("height", "148px"); illuOverImage.setAttribute("width", "148px"); illuOverImage.setAttribute("opacity", "1"); illuGroup.appendChild(illuOverImage); $("#dayMonnIllu").append(illuGroup); if(_labelIllu == "illuPass0"){ $("#"+_labelIllu).wrap( "

"); }else{ $("#"+_labelIllu).wrap( ""); } } function calOneDay(juDay, juTomorrow){ var todayData = astro_utils.lunarParticulars(juDay); onedaycellInfo.moon_beta = todayData.moon_beta; onedaycellInfo.moon_lambda = todayData.moon_lambda; onedaycellInfo.moon_distance = todayData.moon_distance; onedaycellInfo.moon_positionAngle = todayData.moon_positionAngle; onedaycellInfo.moon_illuminatedFraction = todayData.moon_illuminatedFraction; onedaycellInfo.sun_beta = todayData.sun_beta; onedaycellInfo.sun_lambda = todayData.sun_lambda; onedaycellInfo.sun_distance = todayData.sun_distance; onedaycellInfo.phase = UNDEF; var tommorrowData = astro_utils.lunarParticulars(juTomorrow); twodaycellInfo.moon_illuminatedFraction = tommorrowData.moon_illuminatedFraction; var canonicalPhasesToday = astro_utils.canonicalPhases(juDay); var targetJDsingle = Math.round(juDay); for (var j = 0; j < canonicalPhasesToday.length; j++) { var match = Math.round(canonicalPhasesToday[j].julianDate); if (match === targetJDsingle) { var ph = canonicalPhasesToday[j].phase; onedaycellInfo.phase = ph; } } var d1 = onedaycellInfo.moon_illuminatedFraction; var d2 = twodaycellInfo.moon_illuminatedFraction; var diff = d2 - d1 var ph = onedaycellInfo.phase; // Check for 2nd full moon in a month. onedaycellInfo.blueMoon = false; if (ph === FULL_MOON && onedaycellInfo.activeMonth === true) { if (blueMoonFlag === true) { onedaycellInfo.blueMoon = true; blueMoonFlag = false; } else blueMoonFlag = true; } // Determine state of phase if non-canonical. if (diff >= 0 && onedaycellInfo.phase === UNDEF) // Waxing { if (onedaycellInfo.moon_illuminatedFraction >= 0.5) // Gibbous { onedaycellInfo.phase = WAXING_GIBBOUS; } else // Crescent { onedaycellInfo.phase = WAXING_CRESCENT; } } else if (diff < 0 && onedaycellInfo.phase === UNDEF) // Waning { if (onedaycellInfo.moon_illuminatedFraction >= 0.5) // Gibbous { onedaycellInfo.phase = WANING_GIBBOUS; } else // Crescent { onedaycellInfo.phase = WANING_CRESCENT; } } return { phase:onedaycellInfo.phase, fraction:onedaycellInfo.moon_illuminatedFraction, distance:onedaycellInfo.moon_distance, positionAnglePass:onedaycellInfo.moon_positionAngle } }

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Were you born on a FULL MOON? (2024)
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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Views: 5815

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Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.